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/ Public / 湘南藤沢 / Keio SFC journal / 14(2) 2014   
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icon_article 表紙

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014
icon_article 標題紙

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014
icon_article 巻頭言

小池, 智子
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 3 - 5
icon_article Contents(和文)

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 6 - 7
icon_article 慶應義塾史に見るスポーツ
History of sports at Keio University

山内, 慶太
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 8 - 22
icon_article エビデンス・ベースド・スポーツの時代
Trend of the evidence-based sports

仰木, 裕嗣
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 24 - 41
icon_article 知覚-運動スキルから見るスポーツの熟練パフォーマンス
Expert performance in sports from skills of perceptual-motor perspective

加藤, 貴昭
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 42 - 56
icon_article コーチングのジレンマ : 勝利に向けたルールづくり
The dilemma of coaching : creating rules for victory

東海林, 祐子 , 金子, 郁容
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 58 - 74
icon_article けがをしない身体をつくるために
Effectiveness of a neuromuscular and proprioceptive training program in preventing injuries in athletes

橋本, 健史 , 勝川, 史憲 , 石田, 浩之 , 小熊, 祐子 , 真鍋, 知宏
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 76 - 84
icon_article 身体活動と健康 : アクティブガイドを活用して
Physical activity and health : health promotion using active guide effectively

小熊, 祐子
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 86 - 102
icon_article 地域スポーツを支えるコミュニティの形成
Support community formations for local sports promotions

松橋, 崇史
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 104 - 120
icon_article 大学スポーツも企業スポーツも地域スポーツも、みんなスポーツビジネス
School sports, company sports and local community sports are all sports business

村林, 裕
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 122 - 131
icon_article 太極拳によるフロー体験とSense of Coherence(SOC)の関係 : 生きがい感と自己効力感を介して
The relationship between flow experience and Sense of Coherence (SOC) in Tai Chi : with mediators of IKIGAI and self-efficacy

飯田, 健次 , 小熊, 祐子
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 132 - 145
icon_article KEIO SFC JOURNAL Back Numbers

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 146 - 147
icon_article Guide for authors

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 148 - 153
icon_article Contents(英文)

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 154 - 155
icon_article 編集後記

奥田, 敦
Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014 ,p. 157 - 157
icon_article 奥付

Keio SFC journal. 14, 2 ( 2014


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