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/ Public / Institute of Physical Education / Bulletin of the institute of physical education, Keio university / 23(1) (1983)   
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icon_article 表紙

体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 )
icon_article 標題紙

体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 )
icon_article 目次

体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 )
icon_article 中国・全国運動会小史
The People's Republic of China : short history of national athletic meets

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 23
icon_article Sport and dance in classical Japanese literature

本間, 周子
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 25 - 33
icon_article 沖縄舞踊の歴史的背景について (その1)
Historical background of Okinawan dances (I)

清水, 富士子
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 35 - 45
icon_article 長時間運動の血中遊離脂肪酸に対する影響
The effect of prolonged muscular exercise on free fatty acids in plasma

中村, 毅志夫
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 47 - 52
icon_article 長時間運動とLDH・CPK血清アイソエンザイム
The effects of prolonged exercise on L.D.H., C.P.K. and those isoenzymes in plasma

松田, 雅之
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 53 - 59
icon_article 6人制バレーボールにおける戦法の発展過程とその要因について
Developmental processes of attack variations and factors thereof in volleyballs by international rules

木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 61 - 75
icon_article The People's Republic of China : short history of national athletic meets

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 77 - 88
icon_article Historical background of Okinawan dances (I)

清水, 富士子
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 81 - 82
icon_article The effect of prolonged muscular exercise on free fatty acids in plasma

中村, 毅志夫
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 83 - 83
icon_article The effects of prolonged exercise on L.D.H., C.P.K. and those isoenzymes in plasma

松田, 雅之
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 85 - 85
icon_article Developmental processes of attack variations and factors thereof in volleyballs by international rules

木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 ) ,p. 87 - 87
icon_article 奥付

体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 )
icon_article 裏表紙 : Contents

体育研究所紀要. 23, 1 ( 1983 . 12 )