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/ Public / Institute of Physical Education / Bulletin of the institute of physical education, Keio university / 28(1) (1988)   
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icon_article 表紙

体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 )
icon_article 標題紙

体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 )
icon_article 目次

体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 )
icon_article 王朝の交代による中国体育・スポーツの変遷についての一考察
A study on changes of sports in China with alteration of dynasty

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 18
icon_article チームプレー向上のためのVMBRの実践
Execution of VMBR for the progress of team play

佐々木, 三男
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 19 - 35
icon_article 剣道の筋電図学的研究 : 攻められた時の動作中にみられる熟練度による筋電図の相違
Electromyographic study in kendo : electromyographical differences according to one's skilled level (which occur in the motion against oponent's hit)

植田, 史生
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 37 - 52
icon_article 低酸素適応, 順化能力についての考察(生体肝細胞電位の測定)
On the ability of adaptation and acclimatization of organisms under the hypoxia (measurement of living liver-cell potential)

辰沼, 廣吉
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 53 - 62
icon_article 大学トップ・プレイヤーと大学体育実技生の体組成 : 同一身長・同一体重群での比較
Body composition of college top players and college students : comparison between the same body height, body weight, two groups

今栄, 貞吉
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 63 - 81
icon_article 長時間の強制運動が雌ラットの性周期に及ぼす影響 : 長期間の場合
Effect of long-term exercise on the estrous cycles in female rats

篠原, しげ子
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 83 - 90
icon_article A study on changes of sports in China with alteration of dynasty

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 91 - 92
icon_article Execution of VMBR for the progress of team play

佐々木, 三男
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 93 - 93
icon_article Electromyographic study in kendo : electromyographical differences according to one's skilled level (which occur in the motion against oponent's hit)

植田, 史生
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 95 - 95
icon_article On the ability of adaptation and acclimatization of organisms under the hypoxia (measurement of living liver-cell potential)

辰沼, 廣吉
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 97 - 102
icon_article Body composition of college top players and college students : comparison between the same body height, body weight, two groups

今栄, 貞吉
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 103 - 105
icon_article Effect of long-term exercise on the estrous cycles in female rats

篠原, しげ子
体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 ) ,p. 107 - 107
icon_article 奥付

体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 )
icon_article 裏表紙 : Contents

体育研究所紀要. 28, 1 ( 1988 . 12 )