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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2023   
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icon_article 日本市場におけるインディペンデントアーティストの収益化を支援する仕組みに関するサービスデザイン
Service design for supporting revenue generation of independent artists in the Japanese market
一瀬, 友希 , 岸, 博幸
icon_article PawSense : sharing rescue dog's physiological states to encourage adoption

イ, キホ , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article The interaction research for adoption events to promote adoption rate of stray dogs

高, 暄瑾 , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article Enhancing the sense of community by co-creating a community gardening program for the residents in Yonamoto housing complex

赵, 健瑞 , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Yu : a set of physical and mobile-based platforms for delivering and sharing olfactory memories

张, 子怡 , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article 廃棄物をリサイクルする持続可能なコンクリート素材の可能性と付加価値の探求
Exploring the potential and added-value of sustainable concrete materials through recycling of waste resources

笹川, 陽子 , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article Own diffusion : a design pipeline using design generative AI while preserving sense of ownership

ウー, ヤオクン , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article AI supported haptic design process

黃, 恪非 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Mouth movements based tracking of dietary habits on smart glasses

王, 雄奇 , Kunze, Kai
icon_article Relational bodies in media design : exploring embodiment and social-awareness beyond interactive oppressive paradigms

オガサワラ デ オリヴェイラ, ルーカス , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Take me to the dancing : dancing with remote friend in your physical space, feeling their presence

グチェ, ガルギ , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Guidely : resolving copyright exception discrepancies between rights holders and content creators

ゲラ, オードリー , 石戸, 奈々子
icon_article Proposal for a liquid-based shape-shifting projection system for enhanced visual content

江, 丹玥 , 山岡, 潤一
icon_article Scent-based play design prompting olfactory stimulation for elderlies in Japan

近藤, 杏丹花 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Exploring inflatable wearable furniture through personal fabrication

沈, 扬 , 山岡, 潤一
icon_article Movement quality visualization for wheelchair dance

シャ, ウゼイ , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article A neighborhood treasure hunt game : creating engaging weekend activities for children and fostering the sense of community

邵, 祎萌 , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Brewing strong relationships through coffee with the "Blooming Post" : a service design to support the growth of sustainable coffee communities

ジョーダン, アダム , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Blind diver : prototyping an underwater haptic navigation device for public safety divers

スキスケカー, エーワー , Kunze, Kai
icon_article Project Chujing : the use of tactile models in non-visual games

孙, 一杰 , 南澤, 孝太
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (699) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (595)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (501)
4位 故意犯と過失犯の... (471)
5位 宮沢賢治と国柱会... (249)

1位 インフルエンサー... (874) 1st
2位 An interactive s... (806)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (535)
4位 「彼女たち」の近... (485)
5位 学生の勉強方法に... (475)

