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/ Public / Graduate School of System Design and Management / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2023   
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icon_article 性格特性を踏まえたチーム活動に基づく挑戦応援プログラム (Challenge base program) の開発
Development of a challenge support program (Challenge base program) through a personality trait-based team activities
上田, 将史 , 前野, 隆司
icon_article 女性アスリート社員の強みの越境活用を促す共創型対話プロセスの設計と評価
Design and evaluation of a collaborative dialogic process to facilitate cross-boundary utilization of strengths for women employee athletes
金田, 由妃 , 神武, 直彦
icon_article テニスの攻撃戦術実行頻度向上のための返球動作中余剰時間を用いた振り返り指導手法
Coaching methodology using excess time during return movements to increase the frequency of execution for tennis offensive tactics
川島, 颯 , 神武, 直彦
icon_article 複雑な組織におけるグローバルプロジェクト推進者のための組織内ステークホルダーマネジメントシステムの提案
Suggestion about internal stakeholder management system for global project manager in the complicated organization
植田, 春奈 , 前野, 隆司
icon_article Effectiveness measurement and evaluation of using interactive videos in knowledge transfer : regarding the detailed design phase of the software outsourcing project between Vietnam and Japan
グエン, マイ アイン , 当麻, 哲哉
icon_article Expediting communication preparation for medical representatives in Japan using an AI assistant
ピーデ, ダニエル , 当麻, 哲哉
icon_article Research on face recognition method for beauty industry

フォン, シュエン チー , 小木, 哲朗
icon_article シングルマザーの生きづらさ軽減のための良好なつながりの分析
Analysis of positive relationships for single mothers to reduce their difficulties in life
米倉, 京香 , 前野, 隆司
icon_article Synergistic use of camera targets and GNSS technology for rain-induced landslide detection and response

ンドゥワイエズ, ガブリエル , 神武, 直彦


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