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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2019   
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icon_article デジタルサイネージを拡張した、広告主および広告視聴者の心理に寄り添ったプロモーション方法のデザイン
Designing promotion methods expanding digital signage close to the demand of advertisers and viewers

打越, 武 , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article 狩猟コミュニティにおけるプラットフォーム「Hunt up」
"Hunt up" a platform for a hunters community

小澤, 理奈 , 加藤, 朗
icon_article Human time perception under alternative lighting system

胡, 珈瑄 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Pronunciation Muscle Training Kit : 身体性認知を用いた第二言語としての英語発音学習システム
Pronunciation muscle training kit : the ESL (English as a second language) pronunciation learning system with embodied cognition

助川, 祥 , 奥出, 直人
icon_article バーナム効果を軸にした先入観を植え付ける匿名コミュニケーション体験デザイン
Design of anonymous communication experiences that makes believe in other people based on barnum effect

張, 瀚霖 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Suggesting a new way of learning English : a study on effectiveness of applying haptic stimulations to enhance ability of English listening

堀松, 昇平 , Kunze, Kai
icon_article Reducing unconscious gender bias through workshop with co-speculative design

三好, 葉月 , 加藤, 朗
icon_article Urban wandering and ambiguous territory : an interactive experience of urban rediscovery

林, 晓慧 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article The effect of mediated live music performance through holograms on audience engagement and support intention

Akbar, Ramadhani Andi , 岸, 博幸
icon_article Skin+ : modular programmable skin

曹, 菲儿 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Introspectacles : introspection using smart EOG glasses

Gupta, Aman , Kunze, Kai
icon_article A model for identifying and creating appropriate same language subtitles for Japanese language learning

Shum, Kit Shing Cody , 岸, 博幸
icon_article Emophoto : augment emotion information in photo to improve the sharing and reminiscing experience

沈, 玮玮 , 加藤, 朗
icon_article A knight's oath : a mobile game for immersive gaming experience using environmental data

徐, 聪 , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Design of a table tennis partner for self-training evaluation

徐, 萌艺 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Nonverbal communication as rich interaction method with virtual agent in interactive virtual reality content

Stevanus, Kevin , Kunze, Kai
icon_article KAN.KA : evaluating across-body vibrotactile patterns for the design of affective furniture

Chandra, Marcellina Yurike , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Press the button : a simple action triggered narrative public experience

张, 玥 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article GEM : design of an escape board game for youth to reconnect to ancient Chinese history

张, 旻昊 , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Ambiance : expanding personal style to make a connection with public objects

陈, 玮 , 稲蔭, 正彦
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (681) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (539)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (460)
4位 故意犯と過失犯の... (456)
5位 民事訴訟法学にお... (433)

1位 インフルエンサー... (945) 1st
2位 豊泉貫太郎教授略... (825)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (614)
4位 パッケージ・デザ... (488)
5位 学生の勉強方法に... (445)

