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/ Public / メディア・コミュニケーション研究所 / Keio communication review / 35 (2013)   
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icon_article After Fukushima : new public, NHK and Japan's public diplomacy

山本, 信人
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 5 - 24
icon_article Discourse analysis on the NHK reform : public service media and its audience in Japan

山腰, 修三
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 25 - 34
icon_article The regional newspaper in post-disaster coverage : trends and frames of the great east Japan disaster, 2011

Rausch, Anthony S.
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 35 - 50
icon_article How some regulatory policies can undermine the success of a new technology : a case study of digital multimedia broadcasting in South Korea

Sohn, Seunghye
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 51 - 66
icon_article Social TV system for public broadcasting services : analysis of user behavior in large-scale field trial of "teleda"

小川, 浩司 , 米倉, 律
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 67 - 90
icon_article NHK's disaster coverage and public value from below : analyzing the TV coverage of the great east Japan disaster

田中, 孝宜
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 91 - 104
icon_article The role and management of public service broadcasting as part of the regional/local media landscape : comparative analyses between Japan's NHK and the UK's BBC

中村, 美子
Keio communication review. 35 ( 2013 . 3 ) ,p. 105 - 123


1位 「危険の予見可能... (690) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (609)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (502)
4位 民事訴訟法学にお... (486)
5位 故意犯と過失犯の... (463)

1位 インフルエンサー... (902) 1st
2位 アセトアニリドの... (560)
3位 豊泉貫太郎教授略... (481)
4位 学生の勉強方法に... (458)
5位 パッケージ・デザ... (441)

