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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2024   
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icon_article 冬季アルペンスキー練習における練習中の待ち時間削減のデザイン
A research on improvement of ski training process

新井, 真優子 , 岸, 博幸
icon_article Sea of emotions : a unique tool for visualizing mixed emotions through live visual feedback journaling

銭, 靖 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Embodied learning to foster sustainable habits in elementary school students : a case study of the Green Youth Community Project in Kandy City, Sri Lanka

アーメード, エマン , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Narrative for the internet age : developing a distribution method for online storytelling

アマスヤ, デニズ , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article “Sidekick” : an AR companion for emotional well-being

ヴォレク, ドミニカ , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Design tool with a soft actuator for daily applications

王, 冬元 , 山岡, 潤一
icon_article Dream sharing for emotional connection : design and implementation of a remote interaction device

郭, 芷馨 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Mask in the mirror : enhancing emotional self-awareness through emotion visualization

郭, 夢迪 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Enhancing sense of community in community events through symbolic representation in the form of handicrafts

クオ, チーリン , 石戸, 奈々子
icon_article Watchmaking card : a community-centric journey model perpetuating participation in fine watchmaking community

クリサンダ, ユスタミンハッジ , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Digital fabrication of making curved 3D models by heating and inflating from laser-cut parts

顾, 卿云 , 山岡, 潤一
icon_article Art sharing board : an analog sharing service as a friendly invitation to community participation

古賀, えいみ , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Drama education as a tool to enhance awareness of gender issues

吴, 东儒 , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Chatter platter : a tabletop storytelling game to engage interaction and togetherness during family mealtime

サトリア, ライハン , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Enhancing social and physical interaction of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using extra robotic arms

周, 嵩晨 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Catching feelings : enhancing emotional wellbeing and social connectedness in graduate students through claw machines

邵, 嘉仪 , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Making personalized souvenirs and shared memories through art crafting activities

徐, 怡帆 , 佐藤, 千尋
icon_article Effects of unexpected robotic movements on enjoyment and a sense of working together between distant friends

ターウォンマット, ラン , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Designing simultaneous playing interaction of digital commensality with virtual talents through “Hungry Leap!!!”

タシャ , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article From tools to partners : guidelines for human-plant co-creation with technology

戴, 萱 , 稲蔭, 正彦
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (659) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (581)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (484)
4位 故意犯と過失犯の... (421)
5位 民事訴訟法学にお... (387)

1位 インフルエンサー... (959) 1st
2位 豊泉貫太郎教授略... (874)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (673)
4位 パッケージ・デザ... (523)
5位 法の姿を索めて :... (438)

