ホーム »» アイテム一覧 アイテム一覧 / Public / メディア・コミュニケーション研究所 / Keio communication review / 30 (2008) 並び順 : ID タイトル 最終更新日 作成日 ▲ ▼ 表示件数: 20 50 100 1 - 9 of 9 Items 表紙 Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) 中表紙 Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) Notes for authors in Keio communication review Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 2 - 3 Subscription to Keio communication review Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 4 - 4 A consideration of media-nationalism : a case study of Japan after the Second World War 大石, 裕 Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 5 - 17 The relationship between rental and sale in the Japanese video market Asai, Sumiko Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 19 - 30 A study of current telecommunications policy-making in the U.S. : the case of universal service, in comparison with the Japanese case Kiyohara, Shoko Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 31 - 47 Challenges facing the cable television (CATV) industry in an effort to create survival business models: region-based and region-expansion business strategies and government assistance policies Shiotani, Sayaka Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 ) ,p. 49 - 64 Contents Keio communication review. 30 ( 2008 . 3 )