ホーム »» アイテム一覧 アイテム一覧 / Public / 経済学部 / Keio economic studies / 52 (2016) 並び順 : ID タイトル 最終更新日 作成日 ▲ ▼ 表示件数: 20 50 100 1 - 7 of 7 Items Cover ; Contents Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 Conditions Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 A prelude to the flood of red ink : from a study of comprehensive tax reform in the 1950s to the federal tax reform of 1962 in the United States 茂住, 政一郎 Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 ,p. 1 - 25 Economic reforms, frictional unemployment and wage inequality : a general equilibrium analysis Bandopadhyay, Titas Kumar Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 ,p. 27 - 41 Price rigidity and use of money 永田, 良 Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 ,p. 43 - 63 Multidimensional Lorenz dominance : a definition and an example Banerjee, Aszs Kumar Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 ,p. 65 - 80 Unionised labour market, efficiency wage and endogenous growth Bhattacharyya, Chandril , Gupta, Manash Ranjan Keio economic studies. 52, ( 2016 ,p. 81 - 96