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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2016   
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icon_article Run with me : real-time active sports storytelling

Alohali, M. Albara , Kunze, Kai
icon_article City friends a smartphone application, applying social things concept to tourism

許, 廷瑜 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article 水彩画の触感フィードバックを提示するペイントシステムの構築
Digital painting system that displays haptic feedback of watercolor painting

田中, 博和 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article 没入型空中スポーツのための飛行型テレイグジスタンスシステムの設計
Design of flight telexistence system for immersive aerial sports

早川, 裕彦 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Hex : visual social cues to encourage sociability and community awareness in the physical context

Wilbur, Kiyo Koda , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article MyMory : a service platform to improve the amateur photography business

王, 梓伊 , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article The Kopia light : designing for occupational stress coping through biofeedback visualization

Okelana, Jimi , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Meister : the mobile application to induce social communication and establish reciprocal relationship between fashion designer and customer as the new nurturing strategy

Hu, Xiaohang , 奥出, 直人
icon_article I know who you are wearable assistance for human memory augmentation

Samarawickrame, Kalani , 加藤, 朗
icon_article "FitHub" a service design to encourage physical activity through branded incentives

Salikova, Alisa , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Kogukogu : interactive design for engaging people to enjoy an unexpectedly bicycle service

Jitsupa, Nonthavit , 奥出, 直人
icon_article Improving a health-conscious consumption in a ready-to-drink market in Thailand through "Shizen"

Titapant, Nathamon , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article Supporting self-learners through a social learning application

Pi, Ting Shuo Ethan , 大川, 恵子
icon_article NIPPONISM : creation of online platform for experiencing new style of Japan traveling

Piwngam, Julaya , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article Artborough : design and implementation of a crowdfunding service platform to support and promote emerging contemporary artists in Japan

Herold, Simo Wilhelm , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article Bridging the communication between refugees and designers using "Design Sprints"

Pontes, Felipe , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Monolog : a relationship-centric mobile application to change the current landscape of the fashion industry through value co-creation and fan club community

于, 念群 , 奥出, 直人
icon_article FOOKU : enhanced fashion and achieving personal development with IoT e-accessory

Lin, Kuo Wei , Kunze, Kai
icon_article TALK ME THROUGH THIS! the design of a two player virtual reality communication-based game experience

Robles de Medina, Sergio , 大川, 恵子
icon_article THE EMPYRIAN : vision files for a virtual reality music platform

Leonardi, Cristiano , 杉浦, 一徳
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (708) 1st
2位 故意犯と過失犯の... (519)
3位 世襲経営者のマネ... (453)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (382)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (374)

1位 明治・大正期の新... (4044) 1st
2位 TIED AND UNTIED ... (2474)
3位 明治前園芸植物渡... (2204)
4位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (900)
5位 学生の勉強方法に... (317)

