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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2014   
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icon_article PartyLights : 宴会中に中心人物を際立たせ、雰囲気を盛り上げる照明デザイン
PartyLights : a design for highlighting key speakers in a party environment

蘇, 子惠 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article 身体運動と協調した触覚提示によるスポーツ体験の共有に関する研究
Sharing sports experience based on the synchronized representational of haptic sensation with body motion

水品, 友佑 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article インターネット中継において初級者から上級者まで利用可能な電子マニュアルの仕組みの提案
Design a electronic manual system for Internet broadcasting

村上, 一歩 , 砂原, 秀樹
icon_article Improving Youtube for the vision-impaired : a system for casual crowdsourced annotations

Westra, Elaine Dora , 奥出, 直人
icon_article Representation of 'communication atmosphere' for the deaf and hard of hearing

El Hussein, Mariam , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Design and implementation of user-centered home appliance controlling service environment

王, 东宇 , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Customized recommendation for business logistics-objective oriented recommendation mechanism

虞, 謝静 , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article 高等教育におけるICT技術を用いた聴覚障害へのサポート
The support with ICT for deaf and hard of hearing in higher education

児玉, 英之 , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Witty : randomization of time-limited video sharing and content creation inside a credit-based platform

Gonzalez Villegas, Tania Gabriela , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article CITIUS : design and implementation of a context aware digital signage infrastructure for the public transport

Salcedo, Nahuel Matias , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Social video content from a group perspective : reevaluating how to organize and socially interact with relatable social video content

Cidre, Carlos A. , 太田, 直久
icon_article Relative location oriented social network

萧, 若薇 , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Promoting Manga in Indonesia through online education

Sukotjo, Kania Arini , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article Developing compassion in global youth by connecting local and online communities

Sobehart, Nadia , 大川, 恵子
icon_article My'cro documentary a motion picture narrative for the millennials

Sombunjaroen, Armaj , 太田, 直久
icon_article Creation of product information sharing platform using user generated content database

Tantomo, Andrew G. , 杉浦, 一徳
icon_article Linked-micro PV : story-related PV design inducing online viewers to take action for street musicians

蔡, 喆雄 , 太田, 直久
icon_article Using documentary to promote local genuine lifestyle to foreigners : the case study of promoting Japanese culture and education to people living in Vietnam

Tran, Thanh Thuy , 中村, 伊知哉
icon_article Layered information overlay on telexistence using augmented reality techniques

Meetanatharvorn, Chaiwat , 稲見, 昌彦
icon_article Managing a successful product launch in a startup

Milkowski, Boris Friedrich , 古川, 享
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (615) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (609)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (472)
4位 故意犯と過失犯の... (402)
5位 19世紀フランスに... (395)

1位 インフルエンサー... (860) 1st
2位 豊泉貫太郎教授略... (834)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (606)
4位 パッケージ・デザ... (500)
5位 法の姿を索めて :... (412)

