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/ Public / 理工学部 / Keio Science and Technology Reports / 23(1970) / 23(92) 1970   
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icon_article 表紙

Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970
icon_article On the theoretical formulas for calculating the time lag between the stoppage of pump and the closure of the valve and the quantity of reverse flow

棚橋, 隆彦 , 安藤, 常世
Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970 ,p. 1 - 20
icon_article On the numerical analysis of transient flow in a pipe filled with viscous liquid (by the method of characteristics)

棚橋, 隆彦 , 安藤, 常世
Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970 ,p. 21 - 35
icon_article Self-excited vibration of VTR tape

下郷, 太郎 , 池, 和夫
Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970 ,p. 36 - 48
icon_article Instructions for Authors

Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970
icon_article 裏表紙 ; CONTENTS

Proceedings of the fujihara memorial faculty of engineering keio university. 23, 92 ( 1970


1位 世襲経営者のマネ... (1219) 1st
2位 「危険の予見可能... (705)
3位 故意犯と過失犯の... (657)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (498)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (486)

1位 明治前園芸植物渡... (2235) 1st
2位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (833)
3位 明治・大正期の新... (666)
4位 学生の勉強方法に... (288)
5位 The impact of Ja... (278)

