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/ Public / 理工学部 / 図書 / Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory   
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icon_article Cover

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006
icon_article Contents

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006
icon_article PREFACE

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006
icon_article Chapter 1 : The philosophy of measurement theory

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 1 - 14
icon_article Chapter 2 : Measurements (Axiom 1)

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 15 - 54
icon_article Chapter 3 : The relation among systems (Axiom 2)

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 55 - 74
icon_article Chapter 4 : Boltzmann's equilibrium statistical mechanics

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 75 - 90
icon_article Chapter 5 : Fisher's statistics I (under Axiom 1)

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 91 - 125
icon_article Chapter 6 : Fisher's statistics II (related to Axioms 1 and 2)

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 127 - 148
icon_article Chapter 7 : Practical logic

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 149 - 173
icon_article Chapter 8 : Statistical measurements in C∗-algebraic formulation

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 175 - 223
icon_article Chapter 9 : Statistical measurements in W∗-algebraic formulation

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 225 - 260
icon_article Chapter 10 : Newtonian mechanics in measurement Theory

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 261 - 273
icon_article Chapter 11 : Measurement error

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 275 - 292
icon_article Chapter 12 : Heisenberg's uncertainty relation

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 293 - 318
icon_article POSTSCRIPT

石川, 史郎
Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 319 - 323
icon_article Bibliography

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 325 - 329
icon_article Index

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006 ,p. 330 - 334
icon_article Colophon

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006
icon_article Back cover

Mathematical Foundations of Measurement Theory. ( 2006


1位 「危険の予見可能... (1002) 1st
2位 故意犯と過失犯の... (823)
3位 慶應義塾大学日吉... (618)
4位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (460)
5位 新自由主義に抗す... (444)

1位 刑法における因果... (789) 1st
2位 アセトアニリドの... (783)
3位 インフルエンサー... (623)
4位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (552)
5位 酢酸エステル類の... (547)

