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icon_article 表紙

体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 )
icon_article 標題紙

体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 )
icon_article 目次

体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 )
icon_article 保健体育の学問体系における位置
Place in which health and physical education occupies in the whole system of science

辰沼, 広吉
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 5
icon_article 五・四運動の中国学校体育への影響
The influence of May 4th Movement (5.4-Movement) on the physical education of the Chinese schools

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 7 - 24
icon_article 近代剣道に対する一考察(2)
A Comment on modern kendo (2)

金子, 国吉
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 25 - 36
icon_article 身体練習の特徴とその効果
Characteristics of body training and its effect

森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 37 - 50
icon_article 競技の記録成績からみた男子と女子の差についての一考察
A survey on difference between male and female viewed from records of sports

米村, 昌二
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 51 - 57
icon_article 剣道家の体型
Body-form of Japanese fencer (kendo-ka)

福本, 修二
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 59 - 65
icon_article タイミングテスターによる反応時間について(その2)
On measuring reaction time with timing tester (a continued report)

篠原, しげ子
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 67 - 72
icon_article 分裂病者の行動に関する研究 : 女子患者について
Study on behaviour of schizophrenics

中井, 忠男
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 73 - 82
icon_article Place in which health and physical education occupies in the whole system of science

辰沼, 広吉
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 83 - 84
icon_article The influence of May 4th Movement (5.4-Movement) on the physical education of the Chinese schools

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 85 - 87
icon_article A Comment on modern kendo (2)

金子, 国吉
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 89 - 91
icon_article Characteristics of body training and its effect

森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 93 - 94
icon_article A survey on difference between male and female viewed from records of sports

米村, 昌二
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 95 - 96
icon_article Body-form of Japanese fencer (kendo-ka)

福本, 修二
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 97 - 98
icon_article On measuring reaction time with timing tester (a continued report)

篠原, しげ子
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 99 - 99
icon_article Study on behaviour of schizophrenics

中井, 忠男
体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 ) ,p. 101 - 102
icon_article 奥付

体育研究所紀要. 10, 1 ( 1970 . 12 )
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3位 慶應義塾大学日吉... (618)
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5位 新自由主義に抗す... (444)

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3位 インフルエンサー... (623)
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