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/ Public / 経済学部 / Keio economic studies / 47 (2011)   
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icon_article Cover ; Contents

Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011
icon_article Conditions

Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011
icon_article Policy coordination in fighting inflation in West Germany, 1973-1975 : reconsideration over the role of fiscal policy

Shimada, Takaharu
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 1 - 24
icon_article Financial crisis of 2007-2010

Chang, Winston W.
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 25 - 56
icon_article Subgroup decomposable inequality indices and reduced-form indices of polarization

Chakravarty, Satya R. , Maharaj, Bhargav
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 57 - 83
icon_article The political economy of taxation in Japan and the United States : a symposium on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the 1949 mission of Carl S. Shoup to Japan

井手, 英策
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 85 - 89
icon_article Shoup vs. Dodge : conflict over tax reform in Japan, 1947-1951

Brownlee, W. Elliot
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 91 - 122
icon_article The origins of Macro-Budgeting and the foundations of Japanese public finance : drastic fiscal reform in occupation era

井手, 英策
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 123 - 151
icon_article Optimal pollution tax under international competition

奥口, 孝二
Keio economic studies. 47, ( 2011 ,p. 153 - 159


1位 19世紀フランスに... (1052) 1st
2位 故意犯と過失犯の... (898)
3位 「危険の予見可能... (701)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (595)
5位 一部請求論の展開 (519)

1位 エクリチュールの... (1560) 1st
2位 アセトアニリドの... (826)
3位 インフルエンサー... (795)
4位 「彼女たち」の近... (744)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (555)

