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/ Public / 商学部 / Keio business review / 29 (1992)   
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Keio business review. 29, ( 1992
icon_article Keio business review (information)

Keio business review. 29, ( 1992
icon_article Contents

Keio business review. 29, ( 1992
icon_article The exploitation of the niche market through innovation and marketing : the case of Japanese small businesses

Sato, Yoshio
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 1 - 34
icon_article State of and problems with non-government pensions in Japan

庭田, 範秋
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 35 - 93
icon_article Globalization strategy

Shimizu, Ryuei
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 95 - 127
icon_article Impacts of securities sales on stock prices : the anomalous case of Japanese bank issues

Pettway, Richard H. , 金子, 隆 , Young, Michael T.
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 129 - 143
icon_article A model for comparative management and its application to australia and Japan

Drummond, Damon L.
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 145 - 156
icon_article The formation of business elites in Japan : with emphasis on Yukichi Fukuzawa's view on business

藤森, 三男
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 157 - 167
icon_article The use of realist philosophy as a methodological research framework in the social sciences

Freathy, Paul
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 169 - 175
icon_article Progressive and degenerating problemshifts of organization : rational reconstruction of organizational form based on critical rationalism

菊澤, 研宗
Keio business review. 29, ( 1992 ,p. 177 - 192
icon_article Keio business review no.27・1990 contents

Keio business review. 29, ( 1992
icon_article Keio business review no.28・1991 contents

Keio business review. 29, ( 1992


1位 世襲経営者のマネ... (1219) 1st
2位 「危険の予見可能... (705)
3位 故意犯と過失犯の... (657)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (498)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (486)

1位 明治前園芸植物渡... (2235) 1st
2位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (833)
3位 明治・大正期の新... (666)
4位 学生の勉強方法に... (288)
5位 The impact of Ja... (278)

