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/ Public / 経済学部 / Keio economic studies / 41(2) 2004   
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Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004
icon_article Effective Demand and National Income : A Microeconomics of the IS-LM Analysis and its Application to the Stagnation of the Japanese Economy

大山, 道廣
Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004 ,p. 1 - 23
icon_article The Optimal Exchange Rate System in a Model of Two Countries with the Rest of the World : A Comparative Analysis of the Fixed Exchange Rate , Basket-Peg and Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes

吉野, 直行 , 嘉治, 佐保子 , ASONUMA, Tamon
Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004 ,p. 27 - 75
icon_article Recosideration of the Relationship between Environmental Regulation and Comparative Advantage : The Role of Environmental Externalities on the Production Side

YANASE, Akihiko
Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004 ,p. 77 - 88
icon_article Macroeconomic Analysis of Shocks in a Dual Economy : A Rational Expectation Approach

NAG, Ranjanendra Narayan , MUKHERJEE, Ishita , SENGUPTA, Jonaki
Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004 ,p. 89 - 102
icon_article Technology Innovation and Climate Change Policy : An Overview of Issues and Options

GRUBB, Michael
Keio economic studies. 41, 2 ( 2004 ,p. 103 - 132


1位 汚職, 公共投資, ... (1371) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (604)
3位 分類的複式簿記の... (580)
4位 「危険の予見可能... (415)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (384)

1位 汚職, 公共投資, ... (2530) 1st
2位 セマンティックマ... (733)
3位 鉄道における強姦... (531)
4位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (462)
5位 家族主義と個人主... (424)

