本研究の目的は、スピーキング伝達能力客観テスト(Objective Communicative Speaking Test; OCST)の社会的認知的枠組みによる基準関連妥当性を裏付ける根拠を探求することだった。この目的に向けて、被験者のOCST能力推定値と従来のルーブリクに基づく評価者の評価されたパフォーマンスビデオを比較分析した。
「語彙文法」と「談話能力」の評価はOCSTスコアと最も強い相関関係があった。相関係数はそれぞれ.48 (p = .043)と.52 (p = .025)だった。
Research Objective
The present research sought evidence of criterion-related validity of the Objective Communicative Speaking Test (OCST) within the socio-cognitive framework for test validation by performing comparative analyses between the OCST ability estimates and more traditional, rubric-based human ratings of video-recorded OCST performances.
The participants were 17 students of English at Kyushu Sangyo University, and 2 students of English in the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio SFC (N = 19) whose performances were collected in 2013 during the initial development of the OCST (Batty & Stewart, 2016).
The OCST is a timed information-gap task-based test delivered via tablet computers. The OCST measures the time required for a speaker to relate a piece of information unknown to the rater, on the assumption that more traditional components of oral proficiency will contribute to time to completion. The performance videos were rated using Kanda University of International Studies' speaking rubrics.
Videos of student performances were presented to three research assistants with experience in speaking rating via the Moodle learning management system. The participant performances were rated on a 5-point rating scale for pronunciation, fluency, lexicogrammar, and discourse skill. Ratings were analyzed with many-facet Rasch modeling. Relationships between the human fair average scores and OCST scores were analyzed via Pearson correlations.
Ratings on lexicogrammar and discourse were found to correlate most strongly with OCST scores, with correlation coefficients of .48 (p = .043) and .52 (p = .025) respectively.
It appears that the OCST scores are most influenced by examinee lexicogrammar and discourse skill. As the OCST was developed as a test of communicative skill that is faster and more objective than human-rated assessments, this finding can be taken as evidence of criterion-related validity. The findings demonstrate the utility of the OCST and call for a larger followup study to be carried out.