The objective of this research was to offer a new understanding of party polarization in the United States over the past half century by situating it in the historical development of political parties. The intermittent development of formal rules governing political parties was given strong attention.
After World War II, many advanced democracies, including the United States, implemented liberal public policies such as prohibiting discrimination and expanding pensions and health insurances. While a consensus around such policies developed in Europe and their political parties experienced convergence in ideology, the opposite happened in the United States; a strong conservative opposition sprang up and the two major parties became polarized. Why the different course of events?
I explain the anomaly of the American case with a set of electoral reforms that took place earlier in the century during the Progressive era. On the one hand, the Australian ballot system raised the cost of third-party candidates trying to enter the election. On the other hand, the direct primary elections both facilitated outside actors' participation in a major party and made election campaigns more candidate-centered, making candidates more susceptible to outside influence.
Together, these reforms induced political forces that would have organized third parties in the prior institutional arrangements to try to influence major party nominations, both indirectly through supporting candidates and more directly through helping politicians to run in primaries. It was these forces seeking to change the status quo, especially the conservatives that flocked to the Republican party, that was behind the divergence of the ideological orientation between the two parties.
Part of this research will appear in a book on the history of U.S. party politics to appear later in 2020.