現在の監査報告書は、財務諸表及び監査報告書の利用者に結果だけを伝達するのみで、そこに情報価値がないことが以前から指摘されていたことから、国際的な監査基準設定主体は相次いで監査報告書の改革を達成した。その結果、監査上の主要な事項(KAM;Key Audit Matter)を監査報告書に記載することが求められるようになった。
それは、監査人と監査委員会との間でコミュニケーションが行われた、又は行うことが求められた事項であり、かつ① 財務諸表の重要な勘定科目又は開示に関連し、② 特に困難、主観的、又は複雑な監査人の判断を伴う事項である。
Many say the current audit reports have no information value for the users of the financial statements. Therefore, The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has revised the auditing standards to improve the audit reports and required KAM be included in the audit reports. In Japan, KAM was institutionalized in 2018 as a result of revisions to the auditing standards.
The main concept of the improvement of the audit reports is not to amend the wording of the audit reports but to provide users with useful information from the viewpoint of the auditors.
The introduction of KAM can influence the future of the disclosure system. It depends primarily on the effectiveness of the communication among auditors and those charged with governance.
However, KAM is also a factor that causes a conflict between auditors and their clients, and communication between the two is not easy. Moreover, management may misidentify that the existence of KAM suggests management failure.
And it is a matter of concern the wording of KAM will be increasingly similar (boilerplate). The same audit report should be nil as there are no two situations in a particular year for a particular company. However, in France, KAM is not working effectively. Auditors may be overwhelmed by the detailed KAM description, fearing the deterioration of their relationships with clients.
As mentioned above, it is not easy to ensure the effectiveness of KAM. However, the disclosure system does not work well with financial statements alone. It will only be completed in conjunction with informative audits. There is no doubt that the role of the auditors in the disclosure system will be more important than ever before.