本研究では,COVID-19 のパンデミックによる働き方の変化と,労働者の健康およびウェルビーイングとの関連を,縦断調査により明らかにすることを目的とした。
(2)インターネット調査会社(楽天インサイト)の登録モニタのうち20-59歳の正規従業員を対象に,約3ヶ月間隔で4回のオンライン調査を実施した(T1:2020年6月8~9日 ,T2:同年9月9~18日,T3:12月8~17日,T4:2021年3月8~20日)。それぞれの調査において,1600名(T1),1425名(T2),1385名(T3),1345名(T4)から回答が得られた。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between changes in working styles due to the pandemic of COVID-19 and worker health and well-being through a longitudinal survey.
The following online surveys were conducted among Japanese employees.
(1) Two-wave online surveys were conducted with approximately three months interval (T1: June 8-22, 2020, T2: September 9-23, 2020) among full-time employees aged 20-59 working at 13 member companies of the Japan Facility Management Association (JFMA) that cooperated with the survey. We obtained responses from 323 (T1) and 176 (T2) respondents.
(2) Four-wave online surveys were conducted with approximately three months invervals (T1: June 8-9, 2020; T2: September 9-18, 2020; T3: December 8-17, 2020; T4: March 8-20, 2021) among regular employees aged 20-59 who were registered monitors of an online survey company (Rakuten Insight). Responses were obtained from 1600 (T1), 1425 (T2), 1385 (T3), and 1345 (T4) respondents for each survey.
Through two sources of online surveys, we obtained the following findings.
(1) The experience of COVID-19 infection had an effect on psychological distress not only at the time of infection but also 6 months after infection.
(2) Job insecurity during the pandemic of COVID-19 was associated with higher psychological distress, and that the effects persisted after 3 to 6 months.
(3) In terms of the relationship between job crafting and work engagement by telework frequency, the relationships of "task crafting" and "interpersonal crafting" with work engagement were weak among those with high telework frequency, the relationship between "cognitive crafting" and work engagement did not change according to telework frequency.
(4) We developed Japanese version of the Dutch Boredom Scale(DUBS)and confirmed its reliability and validity.