Given Theme: Our theme given by NEC was a system design to smooth the way for change drivers to attain regional and social well-being: an "efficient society" with adequate incentives1, through local production and local consumption. Given examples of the theme in the proposal are Power supply, Water supply, Farm products, Logistics, Transportation, Resources, Health care life.
Regarding the precise attention of NEC, it was revealed weakness of large-scale modern society of concentrated mass production, distribution, and consumption. It was clearly envisioned through the 311 earthquake of Japan that a pursuit of efficiency of mass production turns into the society, neither robust nor resilient against disasters. Considering such issues, we were expected to provide a novel system design to shift from the large scale society to a local based communities, with synergy and symbiosis approach of problem solving.
Significance of Our Results : Our ALPS project has been a process of several divergence and convergence. We wrote this report for summarizing the project and conveying usefulness of various results that we obtained through ALPS, not only the suggesting results but also many lessons learned, methodologies and an integrated view from bird's-eye. At the end of the project, we would like to submit this report as the final and exquisite product the "last" and foremost accelerated and largest@divergence and convergence for the given theme: stages of our problem statements' improvement that provide a new picture of the whole and learning lessons as one important case study of ALPS
Society and Something to Be More Efficient: To determine the scope and object for the theme is one of the most difficult and controversial part of our road-map. Although, regarding our brief understanding from the first sight, the object has been the society itself, and the focused matter has been whatever large-scale inefficiency in society. Thus, we need good incentive and trust structure with synergy and symbiosis that solves the defined matter.