人口の高齢化、平均寿命の延伸という世界的潮流の中で、高齢者が健康で活き活きと暮らせること、また健康状態に関わらずwell-beingと尊厳をもって生活できる社会の創出は国際社会が直面している問題のひとつである。本研究課題では、後期高齢期以降のwell-being や健康に影響を与えることが予想される社会関係、社会参加活動、および地域環境に焦点をあて、社会関係、社会参加活動がいかに維持・変化するか、その実態を明らかにするとともに、社会関係、社会参加活動、および地域の環境要因 (コミュニティ感覚、社会的・物理的環境等) がwell-beingと健康に与える影響とそのメカニズムの解明に取り組んだ。
The number of older adults is increasing rapidly, and life expectancy is expending nationally and globally. Currently we are confronted with the urgent task of creating a society where older adults could live with higher well-being and dignity. In this 5-year research project, we focused social relations, social activities and neighborhood environments, which were expected to effect well-being and health. We conducted a longitudinal study (wave1-wave3) of older adults aged 75 and older, and semi-structured in-depth interviews, and we examined age differences and aging process of social relations and social activities. Moreover, we examined effects of social relations, social activities as well as neighborhood environments including social capital, social environments (e.g., culture and recreation programs, inclusive social environment), and physical environments (e.g., public spaces and buildings, accessibility) on well-being and physical and mental health among older adults.