炎症性腸疾患および尋常性乾癬患者275名を対象にした質問票で、炎症性腰背部痛は33.7%で疑われ、5名が体軸型脊椎関節炎と診断されたことから、隠れ体軸型脊椎関節炎の有病率は1.8%、疑い例は18.0%程度存在する可能性が示された。体軸型脊椎関節炎患者は、背部痛による夜間覚醒頻度が有意に高く (80%対14%) 、スクリーニングとして有用と考えられた.HLA –A, B, DRの網羅的な検索では、HLA-B27陽性率は2.8%で、世界的脊椎関節炎患者陽性率50-70%より極めて低かったが、HLA-B46が27.8%と有意に高く、新たな日本人脊椎関節炎患者のマーカーとなる可能性が示唆された.
We collected questionnaires from 275 patients with inflammatory bowel syndrome or with psoriasis. Inflammatory back pain, which is a characteristic symptom for axial SpA,
were reported in 33.7%, and 5 patients were newly diagnosed with SpA suggesting that there can be patients with undiagnosed SpA in 1.8% and those with suspected SpA in 18.0%. A questionnaire to ask the presence of awakening at midnight could efficiently discriminate patients with newly diagnosed SpA and those without. Comprehensive measurement of HLA-A, -B, and -DR serotypes, the positivity of HLA-B27 was 2.8%, which was quite low compared to 50-90% in Western countries. Alternatively, HLA-B46 was detected significantly more frequently in the patients with Japanese SpA than in the general population (27.8% vs. 9.3%; p = 0.0013), suggesting HLA-B46 was a unique HLA serotype in Japanese patients with SpA.