福島県甲状腺検査に関して、県民健康調査検討委員会、県民健康調査検討委員会甲状腺検査評価部会で行われている分析、論文について批判的なレビューを継続して行った。さらに、2022年3月に発行されたUNSCEAR(原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会)福島2020/21報告書について健康影響の章を中心におよび後述するUNSCEAR報告書でのサーベイ問題点をUNSCEARに送り(Hamaoka 2022e)、ICRPシンポジウムで発表した(Hamaoka 2022c)。
公開されている59市町村のデータを用いて、甲状腺がんだけでなく結節についても分析した。被ばく量としてはUNSCEARの改訂版甲状腺吸収線量を用いた。この結果、被ばく量と甲状腺がん、甲状腺結節ともに正で有意な関係があることを示した(Hamaoka 2022a,b)。
放射線疫学関連分野である放射線生物学なども含めてレビューを行い、問題点を検討した。米国科学アカデミーが公開した低線量被曝研究プログラム(案)へのパブコメを投稿した(Hamaoka 2022d)。
4) 被ばく量に関連するデータの収集と妥当性の検討
The purpose of this study is to further clarify the effects of low-dose exposure by using analytical methods in marketing science. The results of the second year of the three-year project are summarized below.
1)Critical review of the analysis of thyroid Ultrasound examination (TUE) in Fukushima Prefecture and UNSCEAR2020/21 Report was conducted. Major three limitations: (1) improper risk communication, (2) poor understanding of the protocol of thyroid ultrasound examination in Fukushima and Chernobyl, and (3) inconsistency between analysis and description in the Report, were summarized and sent to the UNSCEAR (Hamaoka 2022e) and presented at the ICRP conference(Hamaoka 2022c).
2)Re-Analysis of Open Data of TUE
Using publicly available 59 municipality result of thyroid ultrasound examination, both thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer was analyzed. Through Poisson regression with UNSCEAR 2020/21 updated thyroid dose, positive and significant coefficients were obtained for both nodule and cancer incidents(Hamaoka 2022a,b).
3)Critical review of low-dose exposure studies
A critical review of the low radiation dose exposure studies in epidemiology and biology was conducted. Their limitations were summarized and submitted to NASEM as a comment on Low-Dose Radiation Research in the United States. (Hamaoka 2022d).
4)Evaluation of radiation exposure data
In the second and later years of this project, I will examine the relationship between the results of TUE in the Kanto area with radiation exposure. Data on radiation exposure in the Kanto area is scant; government-led measurements were concentrated in Fukushima. I found the citizen-led measurement of Cesium in soil that is accumulated at Minnano Sokutei ("Citizen's measurement") website. I compared their measurement in Fukushima and neighboring areas with air dose measurements from airplanes by MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology), (b) soil deposition measurements by MEXT. It was confirmed that there was a proportional relationship between Minnano Sokutei data and MEXT measured data, that is, the reliability of the measurement of citizen-led measurements was confirmed.
Based on these findings, an analysis of TUE in the Kanto area and radiation dose will be conducted in the next year of the project.