賢人と愚人との別は、学ぶと学ばざるとによりて出来るものなり」(福沢諭吉, 1880)。
Learning is defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. The question "What is learning?" is one of the most fundamental, profound, and important issues in human history, which has fascinated not only psychologists but also philosophers, religious scholars, teachers, life scientists, developmental psychologists, clinicians, animal trainers, and public citizens since ancient times. In this study, while leaning on the materialistic approach developed in "associative learning theory," "behavior analysis," and "computational theory of the brain," we have established the integrative approach of cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning, machine vision, and neurobiological techniques for measurement and manipulation to explore the old and new problem of "learning" in a cross-disciplinary manner.