本研究は、少子・高齢化の進展、労働市場のボーダーレス化、技術革新(AI 等)、パンデミック(COVID-19)など、社会経済環境が変化する中で、労働法制すなわち働き方に関する法と政策が今後いかにあるべきかを探究するものである。労働者概念、正規・非正規労働者の格差、テレワーク、労働者の引退過程などの各論的テーマに関する具体的な課題を明らかにし、今後の労働法政策の立案作業に寄与することを目指す。また併せて、雇用保障の重視や当事者の主観的意図の排除など、日本の労働法制全体を貫く基本的理念の是非というより大きな課題に関する視点の提供も目指している。
This research is to explore how labor and employment legislation, that is, law and policy on working style, should be in the future, in the midst of changes in the socio-economic environment such as the declining birthrate and aging population, the borderless labor market, technological innovation (AI, etc.), and pandemic (COVID-19). It aims to contribute to future labor law policy planning by clarifying challenges related to specific themes such as the concept of "worker," the disparity between regular and non-regular workers, teleworking, and the retirement process of workers. It also aims to provide a perspective on the more fundamental issues of the pros and cons of the basic principles that permeate the entire Japanese labor and employment law system, such as emphasizing employment security and excluding the subjective intentions of the parties concerned.
In this year, which is the first year of the three-year plan, I reviewed the current legislation by collecting materials and conducting basic research based on literature and, in order to discuss this year's main topic, i.e., law and policy on the retirement process of employees and retirement benefits, made presentations at study groups in Sapporo and Naha and conducted field surveys and hearings in Osaka and Nagasaki.
A part of the results from the above reserach was discussed in the presentation entitled "Non-regular Workers and Corporate Pensions: Thinking from the Metro Commerce Case" in Sapporo and Naha and published as the article entitled "Thinking about the ideal way of'investment education'in corporate DC" in a website (https://www.capitalgroup.com/advisor/jp/ja/insights/column/investment- Education.html, November 2022). Since this research is a three-year project, full-scale research results is to be published after the final year.
Next year, which is the second year, I would like to carry out overseas field surveys based on the basic consideration of the first year, and proceed with research on other topics which I could not deal with in the first year.