このような関心のもとで、3 年間かけて、財務資料の入力ルールを策定する。今年度は 3 年計画の 2 年目にあたり、前年度に策定した暫定的な共通規則にもとづいて、実際のデータ入力数を増やすことを目標にした。そのために、まず、前年度に共通ルールをつくるためのたたき台として用いた、16世紀スペイン北部ブルゴスで作成されたサラマンカ商会のデータのさらなる拡充をはかった。さらに、前年度の研究ではコンテクスト情報が不足しているために、規則化が難しいと判断されたオチョア・ペレスの帳簿のかわりに、サラマンカ商会の帳簿と共有のコンテクスト情報が多い、同時代・同都市で作成されたアルランソン商会の文書のデータ分析を進めた。
The purpose of this study is to digitally describe the financial documents produced in Spain and its colonies in the Early Modern period,
especially those produced by the merchants. At present, attempts to input data from Spanish-speaking financial materials and utilize them as digital resources are limited to individual research, and there is no common rule for the description. However, financial documents were created according to the rules established for the each format, and it is possible to digitize and share them. If this can be achieved, it will be possible to search and analyze the data in wider context.
With this kind of interest, we plans to formulate rules for inputting historical financial data. This year marks his second year of his three-year plan, with the goal of increasing the actual number of data entries based on the provisional common rules developed in the previous year. To that end, we first expanded the data obtained from the ledgers of the Salamanca Company, created in Burgos, northern Spain in the 16th century, which was used as a starting point for creating common rules in the previous year. As we find the contextual information for the ledger of Ochoa Perez inadequate for text encoding by the same standard of the Salamanca Company in the previous year's research, this year, we proceeded with the data analysis of the documents from Arlanson Company prepared in the same city.
As a tentative result, we confirm the usefulness of the text encoding method and its extended format for historical financial materials, which we are developing from the previous year. But in order to describe and analyze variations such as different word orders and spellings depending on the author, we have found more sophisticated encoding needed and this part of research was left for the next year.
Regarding the context information necessary for handling more diverse ledgers, we find more efforts required to expand our knowledge on commercial vocabularies. In such purpose, we have continued the library research at the Temri Library, and have realized that the analysis of Spanish and Portuguese literature on commercial activities needs to be continued.