そのため、今回は対象者を数百名程度と限定し、遠隔スポーツコーチングシステムとして、1. Zoomによるオンライン配信と2. ZoomのBreakout機能を用いた少人数でのグループ対話、そして、3. Google Form を用いた参加者からのフィードバックを得られる仕組みを実現し、オンライン対話を複数回実施し、対話のファシリテーションは実施主体側がおこなうこととした。実施にあたっては、塾内の野球、ラグビー、テニス、サッカーの4部と連携をし、300名以上の参加者を集め、各部の監督・コーチを登壇者とし、組織を超えた知見の共有と対話を行った。そのような取り組みをプレで1回、本番として2回実施し、その後に参加者にオンラインアンケートを実施した。200名以上から回答を得ることができた。
In this research, we designed a system that can support effective coaching and dialogue while being remote by using digital communication technology such as video conferencing system and cloud for coaching that is often conducted face-to-face. The purpose is to evaluate its effectiveness. This time, we originally planned to specialize in coaching in the field of sports that involves physical activity, but we have never experienced team building and dialogue in COVID-19, and sharing of knowledge beyond teams and positions regarding training. The high demand for the product was revealed in an online pre-dialogue with more than 200 people. Therefore, this time, we limited the target audience to about several hundred people, and as a remote sports coaching system, 1. Online distribution by Zoom, 2. Group dialogue with a small number of people using Zoom's Breakout function, and 3. Google Form. We have realized a mechanism to obtain feedback from participants using. It was decided that the online dialogue would be held multiple times, and the facilitation of the dialogue would be carried out by the implementing body. In implementing the program, we will collaborate with the four Keio sports teams of baseball, rugby, tennis, and soccer, gather more than 300 participants, and have the directors and coaches of each team as speakers to share knowledge and talk across organizations. Such efforts were carried out once in the pre-event and twice in the actual production, and then an online questionnaire was conducted to the participants. We were able to get answers from more than 200 people. There are many restrictions on online coaching, such as inability to make physical contact and restrictions on the sense of presence, but participants can get their opinions in concrete letters and think at their own pace. There was also an advantage that it was possible to proceed. In the future, in order to continue this initiative and make it a sustainable system, it is necessary to design a system for facilitating dialogue not only by the organizer but also by students, for example. We would like to design and evaluate things.