Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the original business plan had to be changed.
First, it has become impossible to practice new forms of group therapy, mainly for the elderly. Therefore, we conducted a detailed examination of the records (videos and verbatim) of group sessions for eight elderly people conducted from October 2018 to February 2020. Based on these detailed records, we asked the elderly people who participated to look back on the series of experiences and further examined their "narratives." It was also beneficial for university students to be involved in the work. Throughout the analysis work, we were able to clarify the direction of mixed-generation practice in group therapy for the elderly, including not only the elderly generation but also grandchildren generation such as university students.
Second, we conducted clinical research on switching from face-to-face to remote counseling to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection. In addition to the originally planned students (70 cases), the target was expanded to those who actually became anxious due to the corona disaster (parents and children exposed to domestic violence: 6 cases, depressed, withdrawn: 21 cases). The results of the case study are summarized below.
1. Remote counseling has the advantage of reducing cancellations and providing continuous support. In addition, if there was resistance to turning on the camera, it was possible to have a flexible relationship, such as using only voice.
2. If you were worried about remote counseling or strongly wanted to meet face-to-face, it was necessary to maintain the face-to-face structure as much as possible.
3. The generation accustomed to SNS does not have much resistance to remote counseling, but the important point was to secure a space where they could keep secrets during the counseling.
4. The counselor's anxiety was alleviated if remote counseling could be started after face-to-face at least for the first time.
5. In the clinical education of counselors in the corona crisis, remote supervision is difficult to communicate elaborately depending on the situation, but it has been found to be a useful means when face-to-face communication is difficult.
In the future, we would like to accumulate more experience in remote counseling and contribute to improving the quality of counseling from the perspective of intersubjectivity.