今年度は3年計画の1年目にあたり、ふたつの(1)複数のフォーマットにまたがるデジタル化の共通規則の検討、(2)共通規則にもとづく実際のデータ入力を目標にした。(1)については、まず16世紀半ばにスペイン北部で作成された単一の財務資料に絞り、とくにLibro Mayorと呼ばれる、複式簿記の元帳についてのデータについて検討した。検討の過程で、扱う史料が財務に関わるものであるため、数的なデータの配置や、他の数値との関連付けが重要であるとの判断に達した。この点を記述できるようなデジタル規格として、テキストエンコーディングを財務資料へと拡張されたフォーマットをさらに改良することを検討した。
This study is an attempt to describe digitally accounting records made in early modern Spain and its colonies. Currently, researchers construct individually database of financial data without any common rules of description. However, since there are rules for creating financial materials has been made according to some established guidelines, the standardization of rules for digitalizing them can be possible, and if multiple financial materials can be digitalized and shared according to such standard, it will be possible to search and analyze the data in a cross-cutting manner. With this interest, this project plans to develop rules for inputting financial data.
This year marks the first year of the three-year plan, with the goals of (1) establishing common rules for digitalization across multiple formats, and (2) digitalizing existing data based on the common rules. Regarding (1), we first chose a specific set of accounting documents created in northern Spain in the middle of the 16th century, and especially focused on Libro Mayor, or ledger created with double-entry bookkeeping method. In the process of examination, we have observed that the spatial arrangement of numerical data and their association with each others are important, because the historical materials handled are related to finance. In order to incorporate such characteristics, we explored further improving the existing format of text encoding adapted for financial materials.
Regarding (2), we intend to amplify the variety of historical accounting materials. As a result of examining what kind of historical materials should be used, from the viewpoint that it is necessary to first verify the validity of the rules formulated in (1) with similar materials, we have chosen Simon Ruiz and Ochoa Perez's accounting books, which are close in time and region of the materials we used for the purpose (1). We tried to input Ochoa's sources, but found that the material do not express much important information because they were more abbreviated and context-dependent. Regarding the statistical vocabulary of the context information, we conducted a historical material survey in the Tenti Library collection, but the survey was realized in March, and its actual utilization was left as an issue for the next fiscal year.