次に Anthologizing Poe: Editions, Translations, and (Trans) national Canons( Ed. Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato / Leihigh University Press / 2020)への寄稿論文では、日本におけるエドガー・アラン・ポー受容について、年少読者向けリトールド版から高度成長期を彩る世界文学全集版までを見渡す視点で抜本的に再検討した。
また、 2021年3月 13日に行われた申請者自身の最終講義「最後の授業ーー慶應義塾とアメリカ」においても、ベンジャミン・フランクリンやトマス・ジェファソンら建国の父祖たちとエマソンやソローらアメリカ・ロマン派思想家たちがいかに福澤諭吉と近代的精神を共有していたかをめぐる見取り図を示した。
Although COVID-19 prevented me from giving papers and lectures on American Renaissance writers at quite a few conferences, the development of high-technology superbly enabled us to participate in national and international panels on them online.
What is more, the fiscal year of 2020 saw a couple of collaboration books on this topic.
First, Manifest Destiny across Time and Space: A Transatlantic Approach to American Metamorphoses (Edited by Michiko Shimokobe, Takanashi Press, 2020) includes my article on the transatlantic negotiations between Kant, Coleridge and Emerson, which helped give birth to American pragmatism.
Next, Anthologizing Poe: Editions, Translations, and (Trans) national Canons( Ed. Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato / Leihigh University Press / 2020)includes my article on Anthologizing Poe in Japan, with special emphasis upon the Japanese juvenile version of Poe's tales and the boom of "Collected Works of World Literature" in the High Growth period.
Lastly, since this year is my final year as tenured professor, I edited collaboration works with undergraduate students in my own class on American Renaissance and made them available electronically.