We have considered about motive forces of cells ("cell minds") when cells behave in a wide variety of biological phenomena, while collecting many examples in a unique database named as "the Cell Mind DataBase (CMDB)". In the present study, we applied our understanding of cell minds to some examples of biological phenomena. Our trials were performed under the following two methods.
(1) We presented a novel method for the "psychological" study of cells, which is different from the conventional research style that explains cells at the molecular level. Here, the direction of research on "cell minds" was set forth to be a deep understanding of the purposes of cells. We demonstrated the usefulness of the "cell mind" study using starfish embryos and larval constituent cells as examples. In regard to these results, we have given a presentation titled as "What is the cell mind? (We will also discuss the constituent cells of starfish embryos and larvae as examples)" in the 90th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Zoological Society, Osaka City University, September 14, 2019.
(2) We focused on cellular behaviors called "cell aggregation", which are observed in four higher life phenomena. First, we analyzed four life phenomena such as tissue construction (reconstruction of starfish embryos), immunity (defense mechanisms of starfish larvae), survival strategies (formation of multi-cellular structures of cellular slime molds), and reproduction (formation of bacterial biofilms). Then the minds of aggregating cells in each phenomenon were analyzed according to the entries in the database. It was found that the "cell minds" can be described differently depending on whether the subject is singular (individual) or plural (group). This study was presented in "The minds of cells during cell aggregation" in the 72nd meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Society of Zoology, Keio University, March 14, 2020.