いっぽう、1960年代の日本では、高度経済成長のひずみとしての、都市問題や公害問題への関心が高まり、国家は対応を取ることを余儀なくされた。都市問題に関しては、1968年に都市計画法が制定され、また、都市問題・都市政策は一連の国政選挙での重要な争点となった。1961年の農業基本法、1966年に始まる三里塚闘争という背景を考えれば、この都市計画法が一つの結節点を形成していることは間違いないが、詳細に検討すれば、事態は複雑に入り組んでいる。従来の研究では、都市部有権者の票を失っていくことに対する与党自民党の危機感こそがそうした動きをもたらした主因とされてきたが、長谷川は、'The political motivations for the reform of urban policy during the rapid economic growth period in Japan: a closer look', Urban History (4 December 2019)において、都市計画法制定や国政選挙に際して、与野党問わず、都市住民の利害よりも、宅地供給のカギを握る、近郊農民の利害を重視していたことを明らかにし、その複雑さの一端を示した。
The year 1968 is recognized as a turning point in the contemporary history; a wave of protest movements led by youth erupted in many places over the world, heralding the emergence of abandoned people as the underside of prosperity. Our project has focused on the two significant events that occurred in 1968: the announcement of the decision criterion of brain death by the research group at the Harvard University and the enactment of Japan's City Planning Law.
The above-mentioned decision criterion of brain death was actually fabricated to enable organ transplantation. The 'right of self-determination' to justify brain death and the 'right of a patient' resulting from reflection on the wartime Nazi medical science and practices were used to establish the 'right of self-determined death'. 'Euthanasia and dignified death', based on this right of self-determined death, has been distorted to justify social selection of a 'life unworthy of life'. However, mere condemnation of this distortion would lead to no solution of the problem of euthanasia and dignified death.
Recognizing this, Takakusagi, in his edited volume, examined practices in terminal care, such as 'open dialogue' and 'negative capability'. From the perspectives of the history of social thought, the volume, through the examination of this grave current issue, presented a renewed contextualization of the criticisms of modern science forwarded in the 1930s by thinkers such as Edmund Husserl and Alfred North Whitehead and the protest movements in the 1960s. It then underscored the significance and potential of establishing a 'gerontology' in the academic field of social thought.
In the 1960s Japan, urban and pollution problems attracted considerable attention and the State was forced to take measures. Following the enactment of the City Planning Law in 1968, urban policy became a prominent issue in that year's House of Councillors election. The City Planning Law should certainly be regarded as a nodal point against the backdrop of the Agricultural Basic Law enacted in 1961 and the outbreak of Sanrizuka Struggle in 1966. However, a detailed examination would present rather complicated state of affairs. Scholars have regarded the ruling conservative party's fear of a threat to its hegemony as the primary force driving this increased attention to urban policy. Hasegawa, in his article, examined the political factors surrounding the reforms enacted, concluding that politicians actually underestimated the degree of public interest in urban policy and made largely empty political gestures to appease urban dwellers while responding more readily to agricultural interests.
We intend to continue our quest for a comprehensive understanding of the two currents of problems in the postwar world; the medical and bioethical problems on the one hand and the urban and pollution problems on the other.