本研究の目的は、心理学で多く用いられているリッカート法心理尺度(Likert, 1932)の問題点を列挙し、それらを改善もしくは代替する心理測定尺度を開発することである。今年度は、まず、尺度項目で用いられている言葉の分析を行うために、言葉の使用頻度、他の言葉との連結度を算出した。『心理測定尺度集Ⅰ~Ⅵ』(サイエンス社)所収の心理尺度をテキストマイニング・ソフト(KHCoder)で分析した。その結果、「自分(n=1,370)、人(865)、相手(234)、友だち(216)」という言葉の使用頻度が高く、自分と人との比較を中心に心理尺度が構成されていることがわかる。この際の「人」の定義が曖昧なようである。
次に、心理尺度の言葉の違いが回答に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために、「影響力(社会的勢力)認知尺度」(今井, 1987; Imai, 1993)を対象にデータを収集した。影響力認知尺度は、回答者にとって日常、最も影響を与えていると認知している対象人物を1人思い浮かべさせ、報酬、強制(罰)、正当、専門、参照、魅力の6影響力(各4項目)について評定させるものである。原型版を(表現の)抽象度高条件とし、具体性のある表現を用いた低条件を設定した。ネット調査で1,182人(男性601人、女性581人、平均年齢39.41歳(SD=11.82))の回答を得た。条件ごとの6影響力のα係数は比較的高く(Min=.697)、各合計を分析に用いた。父親、母親、配偶者を挙げた回答者のデータ(n=604)を用いて、抽象度×対象人物×影響力の繰り返しのある分散分析を行った。抽象度×対象人物要因の交互作用(F(2, 598)=3.631, p=.027, η2=.012)が認められ、父親(特に参照影響力)の場合に抽象>具体という有意差が認められた。
The present study's purpose was to reveal problematic aspects of Likert-type scales (Likert, 1932), refine them, and develop alternative scales. First, I computed the frequency of usage of words and connectivity among words of psychological scales in this fiscal year. Scales in the "Handbook of psychological scales I–VI" published by "Saiensu-sha" in Japan were analyzed using KH Coder text-mining software. The frequency of use of words such as "self" (n=1,370), "people" (865), "other persons" (234), and "friends" (216) was relatively high. It was found that psychological scales are mainly constructed to measure comparisons between self and others, and that the words "others or other people" have multiple meanings and are ambiguous.
Second, I collected data on "Perceived Social Power Scale" by Imai (1987, 1993) to reveal effects of usage of different words of the scale items in the responses. The scale is used to measure reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, referent, and attraction power of the target person selected as the most influencing agent for respondents. The scale's original version was set up as a high-level of abstraction condition and the version used more concrete expressions as a low-level condition. In all, 1,182 individuals (601 males and 581 females with an average age of 39.41 (SD=11.82)) answered the scale. An analysis of variance with repeated measure of abstraction level x target persons x social powers was conducted on data from 604 respondents who answered their father, mother, and marital partners as an influencing agent. An interaction of abstraction level x target persons was significant (F(2, 598)=3.631, p=.027, η2=.012), indicating that rating points of the high abstract condition were higher than that of the low condition in the case of referent power of the respondents' father.
Although differences between the two levels of abstraction conditions were not significant on the whole, it was suggested that rating points of items with abstracted words were higher than items with concrete words when respondents could not imagine concrete episodes with the target person. A future task is to further reveal influences of different levels of abstraction words on responses using scales of social attitudes and personalities.