本研究「英語標準化の歴史記述」は、英語史の各時代(古英語期、中英語期、近代英語期、現代英語期)における標準化・非標準化の要因、過程、結果について、言語学的な視点のみならず社会・文化的な観点を加えながら考察し記述することを目的として開始した。とりわけ日本語など他言語の歴史的な標準化の事例と比較対照し、英語史における(非)標準化の特殊性についても論じることを目指した。また、2018年度に加わっていた、学習院大学にベースをおいた昭和会館研究助成による共同研究「日本社会の近代化と日本語の標準化 ―『対照言語史』の観点から」を通じて蓄積してきた知見の上に立ち、英語の標準化の特徴をさらに浮き彫りにすることも狙った。
The present research on a historical description of the standardisation of the English language was begun with a view to investigating, from a linguistic as well as sociolinguistic point of view, the reasons, processes, and effects concerning the (de)standardisation that the language experienced in each of its historical periods (i.e. Old English, Middle English, Modern English, and Present-Day English). Particular attention was paid to the peculiarities to the (de)standardisation of English in comparison with other languages including Japanese. Since a similar research was made in 2018 that was funded by Showakaikan based on Gakushuin University, the present research benefited much from an accumulation of knowledge and experience made by the other one.
The findings of the present research included the fact that the standardisation of English was unique, in comparison with Japanese and other languages, in that the process was characterised by alternations between standardisation and destandardisation. Another point of interest is that English has been rapidly gaining ground as a lingua franca, while it is also beginning to sees a kind of diversification with an increasing number of different varieties turning up from every corner of the world, thus suggesting the second destandardisation in its history.
The findings above were made public not only in an academic journal but also as a series of articles in a journal of English teaching. They will be also included in a collection of linguistic essays now in preparation. Yet another publication on them will be made in an introductory book to contrastive linguistics in preparation.