In the present study, we collected and analyzed anthropocentric expressions in various disciplines of biology such as cell and developmental biology, neurobiology, immunology, and histology. Furthermore, we crystallized anthropocentrism within cell function studies into a "cell mind" approach, wherein we could understand cell functions in terms of key concepts like "character," "mood," "purpose," and "spontaneous decision making." Our study indicates the applicability of a "cell mind" approach towards understanding biological phenomena and relevant disciplines like artificial life studies and astrobiology.
In this study, anthropocentrism was examined from a perspective of history and philosophy of science. Our study shows that anthropocentrism within the studies related to cell functions has a teleological and holistic viewpoint. Furthermore, it encourages a philosophical motivation to integrate life with the mind. Subsequently, the "cell mind" approach helps to explain the biological phenomena neglected in the reductionist and mechanical research framework
In our poster presentation titled "Cell mind: Introducing anthropocentrism into biology for understanding biological phenomena" presented in the 71st meeting of the Kanto branch of the Zoological Society of Japan, we discussed the differences between cell and human behaviors with the participants and concluded that anthropocentrism is useful in biological studies.
We also started to construct the Cell Mind Database (CMDB), a fixed framework with more than 100 cell mind data points. Lastly, we developed a CMDB-integrated website to enable the linkage of CMDB with other databases.