A. 海外子会社従業員が自身の知識や経験を自発的に本社人材と共有するモチベーション
B. 本社従業員が海外子会社への赴任を嫌がる要因
C. 海外子会社従業員から見たタレント(幹部候補人材)マネジメントのあり方とその是非
D. 上司・部下間の関係が部下の組織への貢献意欲に及ぼす影響についての国際比較(メタ分析)
E. 海外在住者のキャリアに関するメタ分析
テーマAに関しては、Journal of International Management(Elsevier社)という学術誌に共著論文を1本投稿し、今は査読結果を待っているところである。
テーマBに関しては、引き続き学術誌への投稿を目指して原稿の改編作業中である。共著者との間では投稿先をHuman Resource Management Journal (英国Wiley社)と決めており、2019年半ばの投稿を目指している。
テーマCに関しては、International Journal of Human Resource Management(Taylor & Francis社)という学術誌に共著論文が掲載されることが決まった。掲載自体は2019年度中の見込みである。
This year, I have achieved the following:
- Presentation of a refereed paper at an international conference;
- Submission of a paper to an international journal;
- Acceptance of a paper from an international journal; and
- Making progress with multiple sub theme projects.
Under the current research project, I have five sub themes.
A. Motivation of foreign subsidiary employees to share their knowledge with people from the headquarters;
B. Factors that prevent headquarters employees to become willing to be on international assignments;
C. Foreign subsidiary employees' perspectives on talent management;
D. International comparison of effects of leader-member exchange on followers' organizational citizenship behavior; and
E. Meta-analysis of expatriates' careers.
Regarding Theme A, I submitted a co-authored paper to Journal of International Management (Elsevier). We are waiting for a peer review result.
Regarding Theme B, my co-author and I are revising a draft to be submitted to Human Resource Management Journal (Wiley, UK). We are aiming to submit the paper to this journal in mid-2019.
Regarding Theme C, a co-authored paper submitted to the International Journal of Human Resource Management (Taylor & Francis) was accepted for publication. It is expected that the paper will be in press sometime in 2019.
Regarding Theme D, the project has been extended beyond the original four countries (i.e., Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the US) and now includes more researchers from China and Turkey. To do a meta-analysis, we need empirical studies as our data. We continue to gather and update information of such studies.
Regarding Theme E, I am still in the process of collecting and sorting information in preparation for a data analysis.