第七章 『ヴィリエ・ド・リラダン』――マラルメと死
第八章 書物と新聞、詩人と群衆――マラルメとジャーナリズム
第九章 マラルメの「詩」――自然と人間
詩人ステファヌ・マラルメとは誰だったのか ― 本書が問うところはここに尽きる。ただし本書は、この問いに対して、たとえば「マラルメ詩学の本質」のようなものを提示しようとするものではない。マラルメという詩人の実相は、何であれ簡明な理念に要約されるようなものではなく、彼の変容の過程そのものにある ― ここに本書の方法論的前提がある。一足飛びにマラルメが達成した詩境を描きだすのではなく、彼が時代の条件と生の変動にさらされながら、いかにして詩人たろうとしたのかを探ること、換言すれば、彼が辿った道のりを、ある厚みをもった叙述のうちに明らかにすることが本書の目的である。
Who was the poet Stefanu Malarme? This is where the book asks. However, this book does not attempt to present something like "the essence of Malarme poetry" in response to this question. The reality of the poet Malalme is not something that can be summed up in a simple philosophy, but in the process of his transformation – here is the methodological premise of this book. Rather than depicting the poetry that Malalume achieved, he explored how he wanted to be a poet, exposed to the conditions and life of the times, in other words, the path he followed. The purpose of this book is to clarify it in a narrative with a certain thickness. According to this purpose, this book is based on arranging the works in chronological order. Part I, which deals mainly with early Malalme works, Part II, which focuses on the prose of mid-terms and contemporary issues, Part III, which is also mid-term, but focuses on rhyme works, Malalme literature Part IV of analyzing late prose that fully demonstrates the characteristics of this—thus, step by step, will portray the history of the generation of the poet Malarme. The reason for the large amount in the mid-term is that it is necessary to properly organize the turn of his poetry brought about during this period in order to overlook the whole life, including before and after.