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/ Public / (KMD)メディアデザイン研究科 / Master's thesis / Academic Year 2021   
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icon_article ノンヴィーガンに向けた代替肉への抵抗を軽減させる食のデザイン
Removing resistance to plant-based meats for non-vegans

下川, 七菜子 , 石戸, 奈々子
icon_article Exploring 3D printed materialities : "leather" and creating its unique physical properties

Biberdorf, Grant , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Byuuro : a smart surface for remote workers employing vibrothermal stimulation and affective materiality

Lee, Yu-Yu , 岸, 博幸
icon_article ゴルフ初心者に向けたスイング時の体重移動のフィードバック方法の検討
A study in feedback for golf beginners in weight transfer during a swing

石原, 有紗 , 石戸, 奈々子
icon_article 未就学児向けの環境意識向上のためのワークショップ
A workshop to raise the environmental awareness for preschoolers

王, 珊 , 石戸, 奈々子
icon_article 擬似筆記音フィードバックを利用したタブレット上での筆記体験の向上
Improving the writing experience on the tablet by simulated sound feedback

柴, 琪 , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article V-concert : an immersive music experience for virtual live concerts using vibro-tactile feedback

徐, 京菁 , Kunze, Kai
icon_article Communi-gate : a visual speech facilitator to enhance empathic communication in cross-lingual online discussion

堀井, 玲耶 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article 紅茶の茶殻を使用した素材開発、既存の緑茶製品との比較検証
Development of materials using tea waste, and comparison and verification with existing green tea products

嶺岸, 佑樹 , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article Comado : 遠隔地に住む家族間に緩やかな繋がりを創出するコミュニケーションメディアのデザイン
Comado : communication media for ambient connection between family members in distance locations

山村, 風子 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Bridged reality : a toolkit for live holographic point cloud data interaction

Armstrong, Mark , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Virtual ID card : the future of identity proofing in Oman

Albusaidi, Almuhannad , 砂原, 秀樹
icon_article KITA : a board game to foster manners and positive behavior for young children in Indonesia

Anandya, Andriani , 大川, 恵子
icon_article A furry family member : a pet-raising education game

Yan, Yuxi , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Memory flipbook : a custom gift capable of recording and showing memories and memory interaction

王, 鹤杰 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article Bloompot : a desktop-based communication device to create the sense of maintenance for LDR couples

何, 佳妮 , 稲蔭, 正彦
icon_article CELCAL : a smart home service that creates festival mood

贾, 涵 , 大川, 恵子
icon_article Haptic empathy : embodying emotions for children with autism

鞠, 玉蘭 , 南澤, 孝太
icon_article Towards sustainability awareness : developing an online course and frame analysis for climate change communication

Quest, Lawrence , Waldman, Matthew
icon_article Physiologically responsive storytelling in video games

Kundu, Anish , 南澤, 孝太
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1位 「危険の予見可能... (681) 1st
2位 新自由主義に抗す... (539)
3位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (460)
4位 故意犯と過失犯の... (456)
5位 民事訴訟法学にお... (433)

1位 インフルエンサー... (945) 1st
2位 豊泉貫太郎教授略... (825)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (614)
4位 パッケージ・デザ... (488)
5位 学生の勉強方法に... (445)

