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/ Public / 経済学部 / Keio economic studies / 48 (2012)   
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icon_article Cover ; Contents

Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012
icon_article Conditions

Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012
icon_article Long-run neutralized effects of international transfers on the environment

小野, 哲生 , 前多, 康男
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 1 - 20
icon_article Trading blocs and endogenous product quality under a vertically differentiated monopoly

Ghosh, Sunandan , Acharyya, Rajat
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 21 - 46
icon_article Growth and inequality components of changes in relative deprivation: a decomposition analysis

Sen, Jayanta , Pal, Dipti Prakas
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 47 - 54
icon_article Monopolistic choice of product specifications when higher end product specifications provide imperfect signals of the performance of the low end product

Ghosh, Deepa , Morita, Bhaswar
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 55 - 67
icon_article Price increase and stability with new entries in cournot markets

Villanova, Ramon , Paradís, Jaume , Viader, Pelegrí , Miralles-de-Imperial, Joan
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 69 - 96
icon_article The proceedings of the "Two political economies in crisis: historical and comparative perspectives on the fiscal dilemmas facing Japan and the United States" conference : Introduction

井手, 英策
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 97 - 100
icon_article The fiscal crisis in the united states and the history of tax consent: summary

Brownlee, W. Elliot
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 101 - 103
icon_article From the affluent society to the intolerant society: fiscal mechanism of generating the poor tax consent in Japan

井手, 英策
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 105 - 108
icon_article Who helps state financing as a "fiscal agent": brief comparison of Germany with Japan

嶋田, 崇治
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 109 - 110
icon_article Political economy of intergovernmental fiscal relationship and local government deficit in Japan

高端, 正幸
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 111 - 116
icon_article The proceedings of the "Frontiers of behavioral and experimental economics" conference : Introduction

大垣, 昌夫
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 117 - 118
icon_article Strong reciprocity and norms of cooperation: is there cross-cultural variation?

Gächter, Simon
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 119 - 122
icon_article Beneath, behind and between: social comparisons and adaptation

Clark, Andrew E.
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 123 - 125
icon_article Economic insecurity and individual well-being

D'Ambrosio, Conchita
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 127 - 129
icon_article Saving boost and the boom-bust cycle of bubbles

櫻川, 昌哉
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 131 - 133
icon_article Worldviews, temptation, and intergenerational altruism

窪田, 康平 , 亀坂, 安紀子 , 大垣, 昌夫 , 大竹, 文雄
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 135 - 138
icon_article Commercial fishing with predator-prey interaction revisited

奥口, 孝二
Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012 ,p. 139 - 144
icon_article Back cover ; continued from front cover

Keio economic studies. 48, ( 2012


1位 「危険の予見可能... (708) 1st
2位 故意犯と過失犯の... (519)
3位 世襲経営者のマネ... (453)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (382)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (374)

1位 明治・大正期の新... (4044) 1st
2位 TIED AND UNTIED ... (2474)
3位 明治前園芸植物渡... (2204)
4位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (900)
5位 学生の勉強方法に... (317)

