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/ Public / アート・センター / Booklet / Research Center for the Arts and Arts Administration Keio University / 22 (2014)   
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icon_article 表紙

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article コスモス : いま、芸術と環境の明日に向けて(標題紙)
Cosmos : reflections on art and environment

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article 写真

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article 目次

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article Contents

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article はじめに

後藤, 文子
Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article 触覚性コスモス
Tactile cosmos

河本, 英夫
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 12 - 22
icon_article カメラ・アブスルダにおける「ハプティク(内触覚)」 : 小さな宇宙、あるいはイメージの弁証法
"Haptic" in the camera absurda : small universe or the dialectical image

前田, 富士男
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 23 - 51
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article 空洞説 : 言葉とカオス
VOID : words and chaos

遠藤, 利克
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 54 - 77
icon_article いのちの土
Life soil life

栗田, 宏一
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 78 - 93
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article シェイクスピア時代の<相対主義的想像力>について : 伝統的宇宙像と演劇的世界観の融合と相克
The "relativism of imagination" in Shakespearean times : the fusion and conflict of the great chain of being and theatrum mundi

小菅, 隼人
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 96 - 114
icon_article 造園植栽家フェルスターをめぐる「<近さ>の交信」・「<遠さ>の交信」 : モダニズム建築と天体観測と気象芸術学
A study of local and cosmic communication in connection to the German landscape designer, gardener, and plant breeder, Karl Foerster : modernist architecture, astronomy and the meteorological theory of art

後藤, 文子
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 115 - 144
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article 「フィジタル」な想像力へ
From "digital" to "phigital"

田中, 浩也
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 146 - 161
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
icon_article コスモスのありか/主要研究資料
Selected bibliography

後藤, 文子
Booklet. 22, ( 2014 ,p. 164 - 192
icon_article (中扉)

Booklet. 22, ( 2014
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