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/ Public / Faculty of Science and Technology / Keio Science and Technology Reports / 21(1968) / 21(82) 1968   
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icon_article 表紙 ; CONTENTS

Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968
icon_article Dynamical considerations on automobile collision : analytical study on front-end collision

佐藤, 武 , 森沢, 正旭
Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968 ,p. 1(1) - 9(9)
icon_article Dynamical considerations on automobile collision : front-end collision tests

佐藤, 武 , 佐藤, 豪 , 小西, 義孝 , 中村, 忠義
Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968 ,p. 10(10) - 16(16)
icon_article On the purification and sublimation of anthracene

武藤, 準一郎 , 成毛, 直紀
Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968 ,p. 17(17) - 23(23)
icon_article Dimethyl sulfoxide oxidation of inositol derivatives

長島, 祥子
Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968 ,p. 24(24) - 29(29)
icon_article Extracts from Contribution Rules ; 奥付

Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering Keio University. 21, 82 ( 1968