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藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 )
icon_article 安藤伸介教授, 岩崎春雄教授[肖像]

藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 )
icon_article Table of Contents

藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. i - vi
icon_article Introduction

高宮, 利行
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 9
icon_article Alfred "the Really Great" : what happened at the battle of ashdown

小田, 卓爾
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 10 - 26
icon_article Griselda and her Virtues

松田, 隆美
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 27 - 47
icon_article The promised land of the Saints in the Navigatio Sancti Brendani

辺見, 葉子
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 48 - 67
icon_article A prayer against the sweating sickness : Oratio contra infirmitatem sudoris (Keio Univ. MS 120X. 432. 1)

Snell, William
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 68 - 76
icon_article Sainthood or domesticity : two interpretations of Griselda in the Mid-sixteenth century

中村, 哲子
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 77 - 92
icon_article Senecan tragedy and the early Elizabethan portent of apocalypse

佐藤, 達郎
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 93 - 106
icon_article The dual function of reference in verbal monologues : the "dagger speech" in Macbeth

小菅, 隼人
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 107 - 123
icon_article Two possibble sources of the Beggar's Opera : a brief note

海保, 眞夫
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 124 - 130
icon_article Creative mind in the making : the impasse of London

原田, 範行
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 131 - 146
icon_article Propriety and hierarchy in Jane Austen's novels

三馬, 志伸
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 147 - 161
icon_article The Welsh revival and English medievalism

不破, 有理
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 162 - 175
icon_article The lure of sylvan solitude : deteriorationism in the works of Thomas Love Peacock and Kamo no Chomei

Armour, Andrew J.
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 177 - 192
icon_article "The Filthy Mass" : victim of Frankenstein's transgression

萩原, 眞一
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 193 - 205
icon_article Refusal of resolution : open-endedness in Amours de Voyage

赤井, 孝雄
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 206 - 223
icon_article Knowlege and self-betrayal in George Eliot's 'The Lifted Veil'

高松, みどり
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 224 - 239
icon_article William Morris and the 'Ruskinian' crafts revival

横山, 千晶
藝文研究. 73, ( 1997 . 12 ) ,p. 240 - 261
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