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/ Public / Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) / Bulletin of the Shido Bunko Institute / 32 (1997)   
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斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997
icon_article 目次

斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997
icon_article 上海図書館蔵宋元版解題 : 史部(二)
Bibliographical notes to the Sung and Yuan editions in the Shanghai library : histories (2)

尾崎, 康
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 1 - 33
icon_article 清輔本古今集考 : 補遺
Appendix to study of Fujiwara Kiyosuke's Kokinshu

川上, 新一郎
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 35 - 93
icon_article 慶長刊大学中庸章句の研究
Study of the Keicho imprint of daigaku Chuyo Shoku

高橋, 智
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 95 - 216
icon_article 中世歌合諸本の研究(一) : 正治二年十月一日仙洞当座歌合について・附校本
Study of medieval poetry contest records (1) : the Sento-toza poetry contest of Shoji 2. 10. 1, with edited text

佐々木, 孝浩
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 217 - 261
icon_article 神宮文庫蔵『〔老子経抄〕』 : 翻印篇
Roshikyo-sho in the Jingu bunko library : printed edition

山城, 喜憲
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 263 - 373
icon_article 松本市立中央図書館松原文庫目録
Index of the Matsubara bunko collection in the Matsumoto municipal library

大沼, 晴暉
斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 375 - 443
icon_article 慶應義塾大学附属研究所斯道文庫平成八年度彙報
Report for 1996

斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997 ,p. 445 - 450
icon_article 奥付

斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997
icon_article CONTENTS

斯道文庫論集. 32 ( 1997