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/ Public / Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) / Bulletin of the Shido Bunko Institute / 36 (2001)   
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icon_article 表紙

斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001
icon_article 目次

斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001
icon_article 古今和歌集版本書影集
Illustrated catalog of printed editions of the Kokinwakashu

川上, 新一郎
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 1 - 71
icon_article 河上公章句『老子道徳経』古活字版本文系統の考索(下)
Comparative study of the early printed editions of the Kajoko-Shoku text of the Roshidotokukyo (3)

山城, 喜憲
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 73 - 237
icon_article 安井家の蔵書について : 安井文庫研究之二
Yasui bunko studies (2) : study of the Yasui family library collection

高橋, 智
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 239 - 348
icon_article 中世歌合諸本の研究(五)『水無瀬釣殿当座六首歌合』・附校本
Study of medieval poetry contest records (5) : the Minasetsuridono Touzarokushu Uta-awase

佐々木, 孝浩
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 349 - 402
icon_article 『韻府群玉』版本考(二)
Comparative study of the printed edition of the Yùn Fǔ Qún Yù (2)

住吉, 朋彦
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 403 - 446
icon_article 小平市立図書館久下文庫和漢書目録
A classified catalogue of the old Japanese and Chinese books of the Kuge collection in the Kodaira municipal library

大沼, 晴暉
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 447 - 486
icon_article 弔辞
Words of condolence for emeritus professor Hirasawa Goro

関場, 武
斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 487 - 488
icon_article 慶應義塾大学附属研究所斯道文庫平成十二年度彙報
Report for 2000

斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001 ,p. 489 - 496
icon_article 奥付

斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001
icon_article Contents

斯道文庫論集. 36 ( 2001