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/ Public / 経済学部 / Keio economic studies / 42(1/2) 2005   
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icon_article Cover ; Contents

Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005
icon_article Conditions

Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005
icon_article Introduction

Ethier, Wilfred J. , 矢野, 誠
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. i - vi
icon_article Punishments and dispute settlement in trade agreements : the equivalent withdrawal of concessions

Ethier, Wilfred J.
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 1 - 23
icon_article Political institutions, jurisdictional boundaries, and rent creation

Hillman, Arye L.
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 25 - 37
icon_article On the conditions that preclude the existence of the lerner paradox and the metzler paradox

遠藤, 正寛 , Hamada, Koichi
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 39 - 50
icon_article Growing challenges : a Ricardo-Vanek model

Uchupalanun, Jakrapong , Wan, Henry, Jr.
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 51 - 68
icon_article A case for subsidizing child-rearing?

Kemp, Murray C.
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 69 - 71
icon_article Indeterminacy in continuous-time two-sector models : an exposition

西村, 和雄 , Venditti, Alain
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 73 - 81
icon_article A two-country dynamic model with endogenous time preferences

Kikuchi, Toru , Shimomura, Koji
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 83 - 102
icon_article Triangles and trade : Lionel McKenzie as a trade theorist

Jones, Ronald W.
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 103 - 113
icon_article Network externalities, lexicographic demand shifts, and marginal cost dumping

矢野, 誠 , Dei, Fumio
Keio economic studies. 42, 1/2 ( 2005 ,p. 115 - 130


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2位 19世紀フランスに... (765)
3位 「危険の予見可能... (701)
4位 新自由主義に抗す... (609)
5位 一部請求論の展開 (330)

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2位 インフルエンサー... (891)
3位 アセトアニリドの... (765)
4位 中国古代の声と文... (747)
5位 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (609)

