本研究の目的は、W. A. モーツァルトの作品が1781年以降にザルツブルクにおいてどのように伝承され、演奏実践の伝統が形成されたのかを解明することであり、2020年3月10日から21日まで、ザルツブルクで実地調査を行なう予定であったが、新型コロナウイルスの蔓延によりオーストリアでは諸機関が閉鎖され、事実上、調査が不可能となった。それゆえ調査旅行を中止し、これまでに行なった調査データを整理し、またヨーロッパから取り寄せたモーツァルトの手稿譜のデジタル画像を活用して、標記の研究を行なった。その結果、以下の諸点を明らかにすることができた。
This study aims to investigate how Mozart's works have been transmitted and how the tradition of performance practice has been formed in Salzburg after 1781. For this purpose I have planned a research trip to Salzburg from March 10 to 21, 2020, but because of the outbreak of the new coronavirus main research institutions and libraries in Austria were closed and I had to cancel my trip. Therefore, I have studied mainly on the basis of the digital images of Mozart's manuscripts from Salzburg. As a result, the following points could be clarified.
1. Mozart's church music collection, owned by the Salzburg Cathedral, contains the manuscript parts used in the premiere of each work in the 1770s, as well as the parts added in the 1780s. The most important of these are the manuscript parts by copyist 27, who had a close relationship with Leopold Mozart in the early 1780s. Copyist 27 wrote also manuscript parts of piano concertos for private performance of the Mozart family.
2. The Cathedral archive also owns many performance parts of Mozart's church music produced after 1787 and these manuscripts indicate that Mozart's works continued to be played continuously at the Salzburg Cathedral after Leopold's death. It is probable that Luigi Gatti, who was the court Kapellmeister at that time and highly valued Mozart's works, played a major role in Mozart reception in the Cathedral.
3. Performance parts after 1787 do not always retain the original form in Mozart performances of this period, shortening the music according to the situation of performance and adding new wind instruments that are not in the original score. It is concluded that the performance tradition of Mozart's works of this period was shaped by such flexible performance practices, which were inherited until the 19th century.