本研究は、フランスの外交官・劇作家・詩人のポール・クローデルの新発見の資料の整理とそれに基づいてクローデルの文学活動を分析するものである。2018年がクローデルの生誕 150 年であったが、この年に行われた文学展や対談等で、新資料 や未公開であった資料が発見され、その整理を2019年度は引き続き行った。調査はこれまで確認されていなかった雑誌などに発表された記事などの収集の他、生前、クローデルと親交のあった日本人の遺族への聞き取りであった。とりわけクローデルと親しかった山内義雄の遺族、京都の喜多虎之助の遺族の調査からは、いくつか貴重な証言を得ることができた。聞き取り調査から得られたものは現在、アーカイヴ化にむけて、整理しているところであるが、雑誌などに発表されたクローデルの翻訳やクローデルに関する評論は、航海に向けた電子化の作業を一部行っている。なお部分的にであるが、電子化したものは、クローデル研究者に提供している。
The purpose of this study is the following two points. One is to organize the newly discovered Claudel material. The other is to analyze Claudel's literary activities based on those materials. In 2018, the 150th anniversary of Claudel's birth, new and unpublished materials were discovered. In 2019, the materials were organized. In addition to the collection of unconfirmed literature, the current survey included a survey of Japanese who had a close relationship with Claudel. In particular, the investigation of the bereaved family of Yoshio Yamauchi and the bereaved family of Kitano Toranosuke in Kyoto provided some valuable testimony. The results of the interviews are currently being organized for archiving, but the translations of Claudel and reviews of Claudel published in magazines have been partially digitized for publication.
In addition to this research and collection, we analyzed Claudel's literary activities. This year, I examined the relationship between Claudel's poetry and haiku. Although Claudel became more inclined to make long poems throughout his life, he only created short poems during his stay in Japan, influenced by haiku. The relationship between this haiku and short poems was considered in relation to Japanese thought and the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.
The results were to be announced at "Claudel and His Times" (Ohiyoshi Campus Raigosha), which was to be held on March 26 and 27, 2020. However, the expansion of the new coronavirus in February 2020 forced the postponement of the symposium. For this reason, the results have not been reviewed at the moment, but the symposium will be held again in 2020, so we will make a presentation at that time.